Improving my Xbox

I’ve lately taken an interest in modifying my Xbox so that it can do more things than just playing games. It’s kind of an underground thing to do and will include challenges like soldering wires directly to the motherboard. There’s much for me to learn, but here are a few very useful links that I will be studying

TechTV Series on Xbox Mods
This is the article that opened my eyes. A five-part story, this article explains the benefits of modifying your Xbox and includes online videos.

Xbox-Scene Tutorial
A photo walk-through of how to open an Xbox.

X-ecuter2 Lite
The mod chip that I’ll likely buy and install.

Evolution X (EVOX)
Next, I’ll need to find and install a new operating system. This one is the best.

Install a Maxtor 120GB Hard Drive
Yep. I’m going to take out the 8GB drive and put in a new drive.

Lock the new Drive
In order to play Xbox Live, I’ll have to lock the drive.

Install Xbox Media Player
This program lets me use the Xbox as a media player, playing MP3s, DVDs, photos, and much more.

If it sounds like a lot of work, it will be. But I’ll learn a lot while doing it and have the satisfaction of owning an Xbox that can do a whole lot more than just playing games.