Where did all of this crap come from?

Yesterday and today were spent stuffing things into boxes in preparation for tomorrow’s move. I often feel I have few possessions. I think otherwise on moving day.

Year after year when I pick up a truck I think to myself “Man, this is a big truck. I’m going to have plenty of room.” Two hours later, I think “Where did all of this crap come from and how am I going to fit it all into this tiny truck.”

I pick up the truck and car carrier tomorrow, load it up in the morning, and begin part of the 13-hour drive to Indianapolis that afternoon.

It seems everything is set for my closing on Tuesday morning. I’ll sign a few papers, initiate a sizable wire transfer, and begin moving into my new place.

Now it’s time for me to pack up my computer, so you won’t hear from me for a couple of days.