PowerShell function Get-QUser will parse results of “query user” into an array

This PowerShell function will help Windows administrators use the output of “query user” or “quser” as a PowerShell array. query user: raw output “query user” or “quser” output in Windows looks like this: 1 2 3 USERNAME SESSIONNAME ID STATE IDLE TIME LOGON TIME username1 1 Disc 19:12 9/22/2023 8:38 AM username2 console 2 Active …

PowerShell Functions to Get Logged On User and Logoff Logged On User

Two helpful PowerShell functions to help you check who is logged on remotely and to remotely log them off. Remotely Get a Logged On User This Get-LoggedOnUser will use Get-WmiObject to tell you who is logged on to a remote computer. You may use a comma-delimited list of computer names. Function: 1 2 3 4 …